Awaken Your
Highest Potential
Join the premier academy for spiritual evolution.
Are You Ready For
Unity Consciousness?
By enrolling in 4DU, you will learn how to systematically clear your spiritual blockages and unlock your highest divine potential, graduating from ego to Heart-Based Consciousness.
At 4DU, our curriculum is centered around raising the student’s Spiritual Intelligence, which is “the ability to comprehend Reality”. Our core teachings are designed to transform you into a student of Life, and in that way, a student of yourself. Self-Mastery is the ultimate goal of the 4DU curriculum, and it is accomplished through a Heart-Centered approach to inner healing and spiritual ascension.
Join tens of thousands of other students who have committed to join the breakaway movement of human becomings, here to shift the entire planet into 4th Density by doing so for themselves.
Introducing The 4DU Student Membership
As a student at 4D University, you get everything you need to accelerate your journey to becoming the creator of your reality.
When you join the 4DU Student Membership, you will enjoy premium content and exclusive access at an unbeatable value.
As a 4DU Student, you'll experience:

Bi-Weekly Live Calls with Aaron
Direct access to Aaron for transformational live teachings.
Interactive Q&A
Live student coaching
Insight and spiritual guidance
Foundation Courses
Essential courses on spiritual evolution to accelerate your journey.
Understand the principles of spiritual balancing
Tools to objectively track your conscious evolution
Techniques to clear distortions and blockages on your journey... and more

Guest Teacher Sessions
Live calls with leading minds in personal development, conscious business, holistic health, and authentic relationships.
Access to conscious thought leaders
Live Q&A’s
Live Masterclasses on topics like conscious evolution, holistic health and career, and financial freedom
4DU Community
Engage in a safe space to ask questions and connect with a like-hearted community.
Join affinity circles for special interests like holistic health, conscious relationships, healing modalities, and conscious business networking
Share, interact, and connect with a tribe of awakening souls
Request support and healing from over 15,000 spiritual seekers

Ascension Challenges and Support
Join structured growth challenges with community support to ensure continuous practice and progress, such as…
Mediation streaks
Group cleanses and detoxes
Habit breakers... and more
Exclusive Access to Premium Content
Unlock high-ticket, advanced spiritual programs and sneak peeks of top-tier offerings.
Private videos and courses
Live teachings and events
Exclusive student events

Meet Your Guide: Aaron Abke
Aaron Abke is a paradigm-shifting spiritual teacher that delivers a fresh, new perspective on Self-Realization through his teachings on the Law of One, Non-Duality, and Spiritual Intelligence. Aaron aims to provide humanity with the tools, knowledge, and practices needed to aid our collective ascension to Enlightenment, or "4th Density Consciousness". His passion and purpose is to awaken this planet to the awareness of our oneness and collective destiny as an Enlightened civilization.

-Teal Swan

-Kyle Cease

-Robert Edward Grant

Try it for 15 days risk free
If this program sounds like it may be for you, we invite you to enroll and explore 4DU for 15 days risk free. We want students who want to be here, who are passionately engaged with learning and living the work. If you don’t feel aligned with our teachings or community, you can refund yourself anytime by just sending us an email - no hassle, fast, and friendly. No questions asked.
Become Part of the Conscious Evolution Movement Today.
Enroll at 4DU for:
Bi-Weekly Live Calls with Aaron
Foundation Courses
Guest Teacher Sessions
4DU Community and Affinity Circles
Exclusive Access to Premium Content
Ascension Challenges and Support

$44 /Month
Save 16%
$444 /Yearly

Stories from 4DU Students
I just want to express how grateful I am for this course. It is exactly what I have been looking for. I’m having a much easier time accepting myself and not feeling any guilt or pride when going into non-doership. I’m way more well-rested and feeling less stress in my body. I’ve had a couple of energy movements happening in meditation where I feel encapsulated by this fuzzy force and it feels really nice. So grateful for you. Thank you for asking and checking in and thank you for serving with this platform and possibility for connection and expansion.
-Fernanda Pires
I feel, for the first time in my life, that I am really finding my way home. This community already feels so amazing and I am grateful beyond belief to be here.
-Cameron Martin
It feels like all my previous experiences over the past 13 years now make more and more sense and like a puzzle are coming together to show a most beautiful image. Even feelings of lack or victimization are being met with loving gratitude, acceptance, and appreciation.
-Camille Charles
This is such an invaluable experience worth 10 times the earthly investment. I have received so much value just through your free YouTube videos – thank you for your generous offer of delivery of service.
-Maryam Ebtehadj
I am learning so much! I am grateful that I am allowing myself to be teachable because I feel myself expanding in awareness in a way I have never experienced before (in this lifetime). Thank you to the community for holding me thus far when I needed it.
-Malissa Love
Thank you Aron for creating these courses. It is life-changing. You explain everything so simply, and everything resonates deep within me. I am so grateful!
-Arnhild Dorthea Ludvigsen
I feel I am transforming into less of “the human” and more of “the spirit”. Ego’s L.O.C. (Lack-Outcome happiness-Control) has much less of a hold over me, and the energy associated with L.O.C. is changing into Love and Light. Thank U 4DU!
-Ali Adib
There have already been so many wins, but the main thing is how much peace I feel lately. I used to have so much anger and now it’s just a ripple. I’ve never felt so alive! That’s the thought that floats around. It’s been amazing! My creativity has really amped up. When my husband died in 2015, it was a huge shock to my lower chakras and a lot of my creativity was squashed. I can tell more healing has happened since I’ve been feeling more creative since starting 4DU.
-Michelle Jimenez
I joined Aaron’s MYM course a year or so ago and originally went through the program then. I “heard” the lessons and understood conceptually before, but now feel like it’s integrated. I hadn’t ever realized that merely thinking thoughts and feeling feelings that I was taught (through religion) were wrong/bad/sinful had caused me such guilt and shame! For all my life, I’d get mad at myself for even thinking something I “shouldn’t,” never even realizing that I’m neither the thoughts themselves, nor am I the “doer” of the thoughts! I finally feel free to think and feel and be.
-Kristi Whitaker
I find that I have gained more peace in life in general, and don’t stress about things anymore. I see easier unity in everything now and feel happier. Thank you!
-Aria Halteigen
The course is unraveling everything. I never knew how to get out of the hole I was in. Hence the thousands I spent on spiritual and self-help books. Then when Aaron talks in his videos, everything clicks into place. I am constantly reviewing the notes, videos, etc because it is taking its time to stick and for me to remember. But slowly, everyday things are changing. I think I am in a much better place then I was 2 months ago.
-Natalie Sayin
I am enjoying this course immensely – it is a perfect progression in my spiritual evolution. I have been looking into lots of avenues to explain what I could always feel is true. Everything flows really well – I appreciate the way the course is organized. The guided meditations for each module have been just perfect. Giant thumbs up for 4DU! I encourage anybody who takes their spiritual evolution seriously to jump in. They will be grateful they did!
-Tambra Jones
My story with 4DU may be different than others but it has been a true blessing. I am right where I need to be. Playing sports all my life, working in the Oilfield has taken a toll on this meat suit :). Doctors prescribed me medication for pain, then came addiction, then came prescribed medication to treat the addiction which is actually worse than the pain medication. In an effort to continue this journey to 4th density consciousness, I quit all meds and vices (coffee) cold turkey. I’ve had to give myself some grace, body time to heal but Aaron, this community, and 4DU gave me the strength.
-Dayle Ranger
For me, life is like a dream. I feel like I go in and out of lucidity throughout the day, but 4DU has helped me stay awake much longer and frequently. I am gently holding this awareness of unity at the forefront of my mind. I don’t need to try to force it so much anymore. My existence couldn’t possibly get any better than this. It is hard for words to describe what I feel, but just know that what Aaron is working on is making some of the biggest energetic waves I’ve ever seen, and the manifestations of it are just beginning to show themselves.
-Maximus Miles
This course has given me more than I could’ve imagined. All of the puzzle pieces of spiritual integration just clicked by itself. I’ve gone from having lots of trouble meditating, to experiencing electric ecstasy while doing so. I’ve found an elegant balance, a profound sense of gratitude, and an amazing empowered state of self-expression. Expressing love is almost completely frictionless, and I can’t overstate how beautiful that has made life.
-Jonathan Saternus
I’ve noticed a shift in me that has happened from letting go of outcomes. I have also noticed a shift in being able to catch myself faster when being led by the EGO. I’ve been able to stop negative emotions in their tracks as I ask myself the 4 questions and reflect on what untrue belief is currently present in the EGO.
-Rachel Killian
I AM now existing with a heightened level of awareness. I AM able to catch ego the way my mom used to catch with my hand in the cookie jar. But the biggest thing that I have experienced since the beginning of this divine course is letting go of outcomes. This course, these teachings, and this community that have been created by divine design have been a definite game-changer in my existence.
-Luis Aroche
I have found also that my faith has deepened. I have always believed deeply in my connection with Jesus but for me, this course has given me strength and realization… I really cannot say how wonderful this course has been for me and my husband in a few short sentences. Thank you Aaron from the bottom of my heart. Your hard work and love have traveled much wider than you will ever know.
-Anjela Kewell
After a short 9 weeks, my life is simple, easy, and lucky. No complaints, no material worries, no job, good health, no special relationship to worry about, free, of movement that is. There have been much, much less swirls and agitation, less gross desires. Most noticeable is the experience of peace of mind, joy, here and there, for no specific external reasons. I truly feel gratitude for all that has been put on my path, somehow, in some secret way, not only for my own sake.
-Fanou Genson
If I were to assess where I am today compared to a year ago when I started this journey it’s night and day. My awareness is so much more “on”… I sometimes feel like a “space case” as I find myself just observing… no thought or judgments but just awe. I know I’m “on the path” now and this IS my experiences’ work. I’m super grateful to Aaron! MUCH LOVE.
-Mark Broda
Aaron’s teachings on 3 beliefs, mainly lack, have helped me use life catalysts to further my spiritual progress faster than any practice I can remember.